Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So a lot has happened over the past week (again, sorry for the lack of postings!) - I made it to my vacation destination on Saturday after 2 days traveling in the car. It wasn't too bad of a trip - luckily I didn't have to drive any of it so I slept most of the time. Food was a tad challenging as there is only so much you can do when you are eating on the road.

AWESOME SURPRISE when I arrived at the place I am staying at - my bathroom has a SCALE in it! Now I know this may be a strange thing to get excited about when on vacation but I am hoping that this will help to prevent the 5lb weight gain I experienced LAST year on vacation! I weighed myself when I got here and I may have gained a little weight but it is hard to tell because I really have no idea how the scale here compares to my scale at home. The good thing though is now that I know what I weighed when I GOT here, I can weigh myself every few days to see how things are going. If the weight starts to creep up I know I need to be a little more careful about my food choices and activity.

Speaking of which ... I have to admit that I have been making some pretty lousy choices so far. I think part of it is the whole attitude of "well I'm on vacation, I'm going to do what I want!" Well that's probably not the best attitude to have so I definitely need to work on that. Another part of it is that I really love food (obviously) and there are so many great restaurants here in the US that we don't have back in Canada - so when I go out for dinner, I want to try things that I know I won't get at home - or have my favourite (high fat) dish from a restaurant we don't have in Canada because I know it could be a year before I get it again. I am definitely going to try and work on my portions - that way I can still order whatever I feel like while still having a little control over the calorie intake (wishful thinking anyway). Exercise is the other issue. So far I have done none of it (with the exception of a few wall push ups and crunches that I did in my room tonight, which I doubt helped me very much). Now I will say that I have only been here for 3 full days so it's not like I've had a lot of time so far - the weather hasn't been all that great (pretty cool most days) and it poured rain today so that pretty much eliminated swimming since I've been here. I think I just have to get into the habit of going for a long walk every day - hopefully that will help to counter-act some of the food I plan on eating! Also, I plan on doing quite a bit of shopping so that should help with the exercise a little too!

Anyway, that's the plan - let's see if I can actually stick to it! Hopefully I'll post a little more often!

Thanks for the few comments of encouragement I have received! Please keep them coming! I love to hear from you guys!

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